Life and a pink cap

It was on 27th December, after 25th – the cold night stayed so long for me, I needed a woolen cap. I liked a pink cap so much found in a store near Rabindra Sadan. Though price tag said 899/- oooonly , it was costly for me. I tried it on. I felt so warm suddenly and shy, don’t know why ! the colour of the cap reflected in my face or it was the shyness melted in my suddenly rosy cheeks! I could not buy this cap as felt the price is too high just for a cap. Luckily the moment was captured. I have the picture of myself taken by my life-crazy friend. I need to say her thanks. As I see the photo every time…it rejuvenate the same feeling and my cheeks go pink again. May be I love it so much as I have not possessed it. Oh, how foolish I was or wise may be for not to buy it. I will wait till next winter to feel warm again, till then the pink cap in picture will be my pride possession.

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